Oracle —— 甲骨文公司
More than three decades ago Larry Ellison saw an opportunity other companies missed: a description of a working prototype for a relational database. No company had committed to commercializing the technology, but Ellison and co-founders Bob Miner and Ed Oates realized the tremendous business potential of the relational database model—but they may not have realized that the company they formed would change the face of business computing forever.
继微软、OpenAI、谷歌等厂商后,甲骨文加入了开发 AI 编程助理的阵营,该公司最近推出了名为 Oracle Code Assist 的工具,旨在帮助用户开发 Java 程序。据介绍,Oracle Code Assist 以甲骨文的云端 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OC