

broadband —— broadband

宽带其实并没有很严格的定义,一般是以目前拨号上网速率的上限 56Kbps为分界,将 56Kbps及其以下的接入称为“窄带”,之上的接入方式则归类于“宽带”。宽带目前还没有一个公认的定义,从一般的角度理解,它是能够满足人们感观所能感受到的各种媒体在网络上传输所需要的带宽,因此它也是一个动态的、发展的概念。目前的宽带对家庭用户而言是指传输速率超过1M,可以满足语音、图像等大量信息传递的需求。

Average Download Speed of 5G Networks is Five Times Faster than That of 4G Networks

The comprehensive average download speed (user experience) of 4G and 5G networks for mobile broadband users in China reached 129.36Mbit/s, a year-on-year increase of 31.91%.

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1259542.html - 原创 - English - 2024-4-10

China Mobile's Wired Broadband Users Exceed 300 Million

China Mobile recently reported operating data for January 2024, with a net increase of 576000 mobile customers and a total of 991.6 million users.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1255601.html - 原创 - English - 2024-2-27

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