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The Total Number of 5G Base Stations Reaches 3.917 Million as of the end of June

As of the end of June, the total number of mobile phone base stations in China reached 11.88 million, a net increase of 265,000 compared to the end of last year.

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1269423.html - 原创 - English - 2024-7-26

Network Latency between the eastern and western hub nodes basically meets the requirement of 20ms

The proportion of green electricity used in data centers has surpassed the national average level, with some advanced data centers achieving a green electricity usage rate of around 80%.

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1269421.html - 原创 - English - 2024-7-26

iPhone不怕信号差了!iOS18 Beta 4上线WLAN Calling:用WiFi通话

苹果今天凌晨向iPhone和iPad用户推送了iOS 18开发者预览版Beta 4更新(内部版本号:22A5316j)。值得注意的是,除了全新的CarPlay壁纸、控制中心等功能之外,还有中国电信用户发现设置中新增了无线局域网通话(WLAN Calling,也称 Wi-Fi Calling)的功能开

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1269196.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2024-7-24

爱立信与e& UAE成功进行5G RedCap端到端验证

爱立信官网消息显示,该公司与阿联酋运营商e& UAE合作,在其5G SA网络上成功对RedCap软件解决方案进行了端到端验证,扩大了可连接到5G网络的新型设备的生态系统。

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/116/a1269192.html - 编译 - 新闻 - 2024-7-24

苹果iOS18开发者预览版Beta4出现WLAN Calling开关

苹果今日向 iPhone和 iPad用户推送了 iOS 18 开发者预览版 Beta 4 更新(内部版本号:22A5316j)。此次更新后,iPhone 新增无线局域网通话(WLAN Calling,也称 Wi-Fi Calling)功能开关。该功能支持用户通过无线局域网拨打电话。  ▲ 感谢IT之

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1269106.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2024-7-24

China Unicom Launches Satellite Communication Terminal

With the advent of the 5G era, the performance requirements for satellite communication antennas continue to increase.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1269089.html - 原创 - English - 2024-7-23



https://www.c114.com.cn/news/127/a1268956.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2024-7-22

GSMA TS.66 IMS Data Channel API Specification: Embracing a Unified New Calling Ecosystem

In June 2024, GSMA Terminal Steering Group (TSG) held its 56th meeting in Kunming, China, and formally approved TS.66 IMS Data Channel API Specificati

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1268690.html - - English - 2024-7-18


Canalys 报告称,2024 年第二季度,在季节性需求低迷以及部分地区极端天气等各种因素的影响下,印度智能手机市场微增 1%,总出货量达 3640 万台。在库存水平较高的情况下,部分厂商继续推出价格较高的新机型,而其他厂商则集中精力减少现有库存,以便在节日季到来之前优化库存。附厂商排名如下:小米

https://www.c114.com.cn/market/39/a1268680.html - 转载 - 市场 - 2024-7-18


谷歌公司今天发布新闻稿,宣布推出 Project Oscar 项目,帮助开源开发团队使用和创建 AI 智能体(Agent)来管理软件项目。谷歌在印度班加罗尔举办了 2024 I / O Connect 开发者活动,旗下 Go 语言开发团队推出了 Project Oscar 项目,通过构建 AI 智能

https://www.c114.com.cn/ai/5339/a1268645.html - 转载 - 2024-7-18

3GPP Rel-18 Freeze Lays Technical Foundation for Widespread Commercialization of New Calling

On June 18,2024, 3GPP Release 18 was officially frozen during the 3GPP SA#104 meeting in Shanghai. 3GPP Release 18, the inaugural version of 5G-Advanc

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1268603.html - - English - 2024-7-17



https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1267956.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2024-7-9

China Telecom Announces Results of First Batch of Backbone Optical Cable Procurement for 2024

According to a report from the official website of China Telecom, the company has announced the winning candidates for the procurement of optical cables and related components in the first batch of backbone optical cable construction projects for 2024.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1267706.html - 原创 - English - 2024-7-5

Huawei's GenAI for AN Wins "Best Moonshot Catalyst - Attendees' Choice Award" at DTW24-Ignite

During TM Forums annual Digital Transformation World (DTW), Huawei, in collaboration with China Mobile, was honored with theBest Moonshot Catalyst-Att

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1267550.html - - English - 2024-7-4

广东电信携手中兴通讯率先完成规模商用组网下的5G RedCap端网验证

近日,广东电信携手中兴通讯和各主流芯片、模组厂商在广州率先完成规模商用组网下的5G RedCap端网对接验证。本次对接测试的圆满完成充分证明了5G商用网络与现有商用RedCap终端的兼容性,将推动RedCap产业链进一步成熟,加速RedCap落地应用。今年4月,工业和信息化部发布《关于开展2024年

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/127/a1267330.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2024-7-3

5G-A能力新升级,广东联通联合中兴通讯和高通率先完成下行4CC CA端到端验证

近日,广东联通联合中兴通讯和高通技术公司在深圳率先完成5G-A下行四载波聚合(4CC CA,4 Component Carrier Carrier Aggregation)能力的商用验证,将900MHz、2.1GHz和3.5GHz等四个载波深度聚合后显著提升网络的传输速率和覆盖范围,为用户提供更加稳

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/127/a1267281.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2024-7-2

MWCSH 2024 | New Calling Industry Development Roundtable Meeting Wraps Up

The New Calling Industry Development Roundtable Meeting, hosted by GSMA 5G New Calling Task Force (5GNCTF), supported by China Mobile and Huawei, was

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1267000.html - - English - 2024-7-1



https://www.c114.com.cn/news/16/a1266944.html - 原创 - 新闻 - 2024-7-1

Huawei Wins TM Forum's Certification for Pioneering Autonomous Core Network Level Assessment

This year's DTW24-Ignite summitfocused on the transition from Digital Telco to AI-Native Telco, drawing over 200 carriers globally. TM Forum led10 car

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1266789.html - - English - 2024-6-28

中兴通讯携手产业伙伴发布5G RedCap白皮书,共绘5G-A应用新篇章

2024年6月27日,MWC上海展期间,中兴通讯携手中移物联、四信、广和通等产业伙伴在“2024工业5G终端产业发展论坛”上共同发布《5G RedCap技术与实践白皮书》。中兴通讯副总裁柏钢主持此次发布,为产业界提供了RedCap产业实践的样板案例,由此将进一步推动5G RedCap商用的蓬勃发展。

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/127/a1266736.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2024-6-27

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